Feb 19, 2014

Treat Kidney Stones Naturally with Herbal Remedies!

The Kidney stones are one of the most common diseases that has risen in leaps over the last few years. The chaotic and sedentary lifestyle as well as unhealthy food habits can be sited as one of the most important aspects of kidney stone occurrences.  

Natural Herbal Remedies for Stones
  • Drinking fresh pomegranate juice is said to be quite beneficial for those suffering from kidney stones.
  • Take about 20ml of Aloe vera juice twice daily on an empty stomach. This would be of help in flushing out liver of wastes.
  • Taking a tsp of fresh basil leaves juice with honey daily for up to 6 months is believed to induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.
  • One of the beneficial remedy for stones is to pound papaya roots and extract the juice. Mix it with some water & drink the same in the morning on an empty stomach for few days.
  • Administering about 500g of dandelion roots twice daily may be beneficial in kidney stones as the roots are known to cleanse the kidneys well. 
  • To treat gall stones, coconut water may be taken thrice daily.
  • Pound a few leaves of patharchat (kidneywort) and take them twice daily with water.
  • Soak approx 50g of the horse gram in water overnight. In the morning, mash and drink it. Also, approx. 30 ml of the horse gram seeds decoction can be taken twice daily.
Eating habits or diet plays an important role in curing and preventing diseases like kidney stones! It is necessary to improve diet and substitute ordinary cooking fat with either Olive oil or Sunflower oil.  Intake of fruits like Lemons, Oranges and Grapefruit should be included in the diet. The acids content in the fruits help in dissolving the stone naturally. Yoghurt and Cottage Cheese are also good for such conditions. Fatty foods with high calorie content should be avoided. Drinking plenty of water on a regular basis and consuming juices and soups helps in cleaning up the liver system.

Exercise is important for treating stones, as physical inactivity is one of the main causes of indigestion and eventually result in the formation of stones. Yogasana are also suggested for treating gall bladder stones as these asanas help in toning up the liver and gall bladder. These asanas include Sarvangasana, Paschimottasanana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana & Bhujangasana. Breathing exercises such as kapalbhati, Ujjayi and Anulom viloma can also help in getting rid of the symptoms.

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